So I have been horrible at keeping up with my blog. For that I apologize. The good news is now I am starting to understand what I can write about and how to keep up with it all.
But let's not get ahead of ourselves. Many of you who actually signed up for this may have been keeping tabs on me using facebook (which has turned out to be the best way for me to keep in touch) but it doesn't necessarily give you the whole story of where I've been. Let me give everyone here a "quick" recap on what has gone on in the life of Joe.
Alaska turned out to be a very beautiful place. I enjoyed my time there, even while working. The cruise life is very interesting and is difficult to explain. That is why I have much to talk about in future posts. Most of my writing will be a documentary of what is going on but I also plan to just shoot the breeze and talk about the friends I make and drama that goes down. (That's kinda the same thing isn't it?)
In terms of timeline, I worked on the Star Princess from about June 7 until about September 13ish. Basically an entire summer in Alaska. I was one photographer on a team of thirteen with three managers. I technically worked seven days a week but not all of them were seven or eight-hour days. Some were like five or six hour-days. Twice a week I had twelve-hour days because of "Formal Night". No one likes that night. Anyway, on my free time I either visited the cities of Alaska, slept or went out at night drinking at the crew bar. OK, I'll be honest. One of these I did way more than the others... and it wasn't sleep... or visiting Alaskan cities. In my defense it wasn't every night.
But seriously, I made friends from different parts of the world and enjoyed myself for three and a half months. When I left it was hard to believe it happened so quickly. Sure it was hard work. But the funny thing is, most of the time you just remember the good stuff.
So that was Alaska. I still have to fill you in on what has happened recently but it's getting late. I might also post an entry later from a word file I wrote while in Alaska. If memory serves me right it talks more about my schedule and what I did on the ship. That way I don't have to write that stuff twice. I'm also going to try and post a few pictures. Nothing crazy yet but I'll be getting the hang of this soon enough. Enough for now. Take Care
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